Tips on Working With an American Sign Language Interpreter

December 26, 2022

FIA Interpreting tips on working with an ASL interpreter
Working with a sign language interpreter can be a rewarding and enriching experience for both parties. However, it’s important to remember that the interpreter is there to facilitate communication between you and a deaf or hard-of-hearing individual, and not to act as a translator or intermediary. Here are some tips for effectively working with a sign language interpreter:
  • Prepare in advance: If you know you will be working with an interpreter, try to provide them with as much information as possible beforehand. This can include the purpose of the meeting, the topic of discussion, any relevant materials or documents, and any specific vocabulary or terms that may come up.
  • Use clear, concise language: When speaking with the interpreter, use simple and straightforward language. Avoid using jargon or complex vocabulary, and try to speak at a moderate pace. This will make it easier for the interpreter to convey your message accurately.
  • Maintain eye contact with the person you are communicating with: It can be tempting to watch the interpreter, but it’s important to remember to maintain eye contact with the deaf or hard of hearing individual. This helps to establish a connection and show that you are addressing them directly.
  • Allow the interpreter to do their job: Trust the interpreter to accurately convey the message. Don’t try to speak for the interpreter or interrupt them while they are interpreting. The interpreter and you are working together as a team.
  • Take breaks as needed: Interpreting can be mentally and physically exhausting, so be sure to allow breaks as needed. This will help the interpreter to stay fresh and focused, which will lead to better communication.
  • Respect the interpreter’s role: Remember that the interpreter is there to facilitate communication and is not responsible for the content of the conversation. Avoid making comments or jokes directly to the interpreter, and treat them with the same respect you would any other professional.
By following these tips, you can help to ensure that your communication with a sign language interpreter is effective and respectful. Working with an interpreter can be a rewarding and enriching experience for all parties involved, and can help to break down barriers and facilitate greater understanding between people of different cultures and backgrounds. Frederick Interpreting Agency is an interpreting agency operated by team members who have a full spectrum of understanding of the interpreting industry. We are passionate about accessibility and we can be reached at any time: or 240-409-7972. Let’s break communication barriers together!



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